London Cocker Spaniel Society


Judges: Samantha Gladman (D), Derek Shapland (B)

DCC & RBIS: Claramand Cracker
RDCC: Classicway Call Time
BPD, BMPD & BPIS: Ryallcourt Step In time

BVD: Int. Ch. Lindridge Bolt From The Blue

BCC & BIS: Sh Ch Oktumi Opalescence
RBCC: Manchela Little Tease JW
BPB & BMP: Ryallcourt Silent Witness For Tanrini

BVB & BVIS: No Limit Esqueen

BIS Line Up Ch Show 2023
L-R: Ryallcourt Step In time (BPIS), Sh Ch Oktumi Opalescence (BIS),
Claramand Cracker (RBIS)

RDCC RBCC BVIS Champ Show 2023
L-R: Manchela Little Tease JW (RBCC), Classicway Call Time (RDCC), No Limit Esqueen (BVIS)

BPD & BPB Champ Show 2023
L-R: Ryallcourt Silent Witness For Tanrini (BPB), Ryallcourt Step In time (BPD & BPIS)

BPB & Best Special Beginners Ch Show 2023
L-R: Ryallcourt Silent Witness For Tanrini (BPB & RBPIS), Wilmerella Perfect Storm (Best Special Beginners)

BVD Ch Show 2023
Best Veteran Dog: Int. Ch. Lindridge Bolt From The Blue

All photos copyright T Morgan Animal Photography
(No reproduction without express permission)

I would like to thank the officers and committee for a warm welcome at London Cocker Spaniel Club Championship Show and also my hard working stewards that kept me up to speed throughout the day.
I would also like to thank all the exhibitors from home and overseas for their entry I felt truly honoured to have such quality dogs to go over. I had some tough decisions to make in many classes and thank the exhibitors for excepting my decisions in good faith.

AOC Sp. Puppy Dog (3 -1)
1.Easthourpes Laurellakes Lets Dance Dark Blue of 11 months Balanced head with good reach of neck and return of upper arm, shown in lovely coat and condition moved well when settled.
2.Ozannes Claramand The Duke of Lyntonridge Orange roan of just 6 months very much a baby, smaller frame than winner short coupled with balance. Moved well nicely once settled .

AOC Novice (0)

AOC Sp. Graduate Dog (4-1)
1.Hackett and Sheridons Lindridge Star Attraction Eye catching light blue of 16 months. Soft expression with lovely flow of neck, good spring of rib balanced in construction strong and well muscled in rear quarters shown in top condition moved to advantage
2.Czipotts I Will Be Famous Wizard Dark blue of 14 months. This young man has much to like masculine head good reach of neck and return of upper arm Deep in fore chest and well developed with lovely overall substance, strong in rear quarters, sown in fine order

AOC Sp. Open (2-0)
1. Makowski-Larson and Hacketts Lindridge Mr. Wise Guy Mid Blue of 5 years Masculine Head with lovely square muzzle and soft melting expression good reach of neck and return of upper arm good width and depth in fore chest short coupled with substance and strength in rear quarters moved with drive and purpose
2. Van Guyse, Apers Sh.Ch. U Believe in me Asterbears Masculine Blue roan and tan of 2 years Balanced in construction with substance short coupled, good hind angulation, moved with drive.

Any Solid Colour Puppy (5-0)
1. Eastwood and Glendennings Plaiglen Macho 10 month gold This young man caught my eye as soon as he entered the ring and didn’t disappoint Lovely head and expression without coarseness I liked his overall balance good flow of neck with spring of rib, short coupled and good rear angulation sound happy mover presented in fine order
2. Millers Eddeswarren Emerald City Gold of 7 months very much a baby to my class winner but much to like with the softest of expression Slightly heavier than my class winner with good substance and balance throughout sound in movement.
3. Flowers Totenkopf Dutch Dyrvarbr

ASC Novice Dog (3-0)
1. Ellisons Withiflour Touchstone eye-catching 13 month black and tan. Masculine head with square muzzle, lovely tan pigmentation, good reach of neck with width and depth in fore chest standing on good bone with well padded cat like feet lovely spring of rib and overall substance good depth and width in thigh and well let down hocks moved out with good reach and drive beautifully presented sound in movement
2. Eastwood and Glendennings Plaiglen Black jack . Black n Tan of 10 months short coupled with overall good balance masculine head with softest of expression shown in fine order moved soundly
3. Kents Laurellakes Are You Reddy

ASC Graduate (2-1)
1 Rofes Villaspaniol Gold Flash Gold of just over 2 years lovely head and expression good reach of neck and depth of brisket, sound happy mover

ASC Special Open (2-0)
1. Anderson and Fosters Zakova Sundance Kyd at Sabaloo JW Quality Black of 2 years Has much to admire Good head with soft expression Balance and substance good flow of neck, return of upper arm good depth and width in thigh and well let down hocks, moved with reach and drive well presented. Called back in seriously considered for the rcc
2. Ellisons Spinoza of Merrily avev Withiflor (imp Fra) Quality black and tan of 2 years who has much to like. Masculine head deep in fore chest good spring of rib short coupled. Not as positive in movement as class winner

Any Colour Veteran (4-0)
Lovely class of veterans and a credit to there owners
1. Czipotts Int. Ch. Lindridge Bolt From The Blue This blue roan of 9 years has quality and substance and moved with drive. Masculine head with kind eye and expression, depth in fore chest lovely barrelled ribs excellent return of upper arm good flow of neck into well laid back shoulders lovely cat like padded feet strong in rear quarters and well muscled in beautiful coat and condition for his 9 years
2. Coxs Sh.Ch. Gardenstone Pale Rider to Suvern JW Quality blue of 9 years. Shown in beautiful coat and condition he has balance and substance lovely angles and outline sound happy mover
3. Kaumanens Multi Ch. Honeywaters Catch of The Day

Any Colour Minor Puppy (13-3)
1. Whiteheads Ryallcourt Step In time eye catching black and white of lovely type and quality balanced head with lovely proportions , compact body with good length in neck and layback of shoulders, good rear angulation, short below the hock moved with lovely reach and drive ,I loved his mischievous outgoing cockery attitude keeping his topline on the move with correct tail carriage. Was happy to award him BMPD ,BPD and with agreement from my co judge BPIS
2. Gilmours Chavez Cheeky Chappy Dark blue of just 6 months lovely outline and balance, type and quality that is to be admired, masculine head without coarseness good in front and rear angulation moved with reach and drive I watch with interest this young dogs development
3. Bucks Clavaire Marrakech Sky

Any Colour Puppy (8-3)
1. Gonzalezs Corazon de Sibi Light Star Eye catching light blue of 11 months short coupled cockery type classic cocker head with kind eye and expression with good depth of brisket and spring of rib moved out with drive and purpose in fine coat and condition
2. Flowers Corralet Dancing with Wolves Gold of just 6 months pleasing outline well off for substance and bone slightly longer cast than my class winner sound in movement once settled
3. Easthorpe Laurellakes Lets Dance

Any Colour Junior (8-2) lovely class with some very promising youngsters
1. Andres Gib. Ch. Anakin Skywalker Casa Petrusus Es/Pt Jch. I liked this blue I found him to be masculine with soft expression lovely dark eyes clean in throat. He has a lovely balance with substance, superb front assembly and good depth and width in fore chest moderate neck into good shoulders short coupled strong rear quarters which have good muscle in thigh moved with reach and drive with a merry attitude expertly handled shown in top order.
2. Gorkas Glenbriar Silver Fox Dark blue of 13 months. This youngster has much to admire good reach of neck and return of upper arm lovely balance strong in rear quarters moved with drive and purpose beautiful presented and handled.
3. Czipotts I Will Be Famous Wizard

Any Colour Yearling (5-1)
1.Gilmours Chavez Silver Cloud Quality mid blue with classic head and expression balanced in construction with good angulation fore and aft. Covered the ground with good reach and drive. Beautifully presented to enhance his qualities.
2.Czipotts I Will Be Famous Wizard
3.Sinclairs Claramand Mercury Rising At Duclarus JW.

Any Colour Maiden (3-0)
1.Darbys Classicway Call Time Eye catching light blue of just 13 months. I loved this young dog for his cockery type and quality . Masculine head with the softest of expression good reach of neck and depth in fore chest with substance compact body with lovely spring of rib excels in rear quarters with good depth, width in thigh lovely bend of stifle and well let down hocks I just loved his merry cocker bustle with a hint of mischief beautifully presented and expertly handled , was thrilled to award him the RDCC
2.Dewhursts Glowhill Silver Arrow at Lapidary this 13 month old mid blue has much to admire good in front assembly and short coupled slightly larger in frame than my class winner shown in good coat and condition moved soundly
3.Hacketts Lindridge Shine On Me

Any Colour Tyro (3-1)
1.Ellisons Withiflor Touchstone
2.Provosts Troubles in Paradise U’re Moriaryty Orange roan with masculine head, balanced in overall construction big ribs with lots of substance sound and happy mover.

Any Colour Undergraduate (4-1)
1.Ellisons Withiflor Touchstone
2.Clarkes Harbethol Look Magical This mid blue has much to like, lovely head and the softest of expression short coupled and deep in fore chest strong in rear quarters with well let down hocks unlucky to meet class winner whose maturity gave him the advantage today
3.Czipotts I Will Be Famous Wizard

Any Colour Post Graduate (6-2)
1.Bevis & Norie-Millers Popocatepetl Tomfoolery Orange roan of 2 years I liked this boys overall construction and needs to be to be handled to appreciate his qualities. He excels in front assembly and return of upper arm deep in fore chest short coupled with good depth and width in thigh shown in lovely coat and condition
2.Jenkins Gino Della Sciaranera of Bruxly (imp ita) This 2 year old black with a pleasing outline longer cast than my class winner Masculine head with dark eye and softest of expression good front and rear angulation moved soundly in lovely coat and condition.
3.Rofes Villaspaniol Sunny Delight

Any Colour Special Beginners (5-1)
1.Robinsons Wilmerella Perfect Storm This 6 year old dark blue has many qualities to be appreciated with a balanced without coarseness head, good in front assembly with good flow of neck and return of upper arm he possess good substance and bone, sound in movement, shown in top order Happy to see him win best special beginners in show with agreement of my co judge.
2.Wrights La Scales Berlin With Chazbaz (imp Hun) Quality black of 2 years lovely head and soft expression made on similar lines to my class winner just preferred the flow over neck and shoulders of my winner, moved out well shown in top order
3.Easthorpes Laurellakes Lets Dance

Any Colour Limit (4-0)
1.Thomas Claramand Cracker Quality orange roan who I have long admired from the ringside, lovely to go over and he didn’t disappoint. Masculine head with lovely square muzzle and deep stop superb reach of neck and good front assembly he has a lovely overall balance with nothing over done, big ribs and short coupled I loved his front and rear angulation standing on strong bone with well padded feet, moved with reach and drive Happy to award him the CC and with the agreement of my co judge reserve best in show
2.Anderson & Fosters Zakova Sundance Kyd At Sabaloo
3.Flowers Kenwad Amante Espanol

Any Colour Open (11=1)
This was the toughest class of my day with quality in depth sadly some quality dogs went cardless
1.Williams Sh.Ch. Wilmerella Outlander Merry out going dark blue this young dog has much to be admired classic cocker head without coarseness he has a lovely overall balance excels in front assembly and flow of neck into fine flow of shoulders superb return of upper arm well muscled rear quarters with correct tail carriage I loved his outgoing merry cocker attitude moved out freely with reach and drive in lovely coat and condition
2.Wildmans Sh.Ch. Oktumi Major Player . Eye catching blue of lovely type and quality, balanced head with nice tight dark eyes, good reach of neck and layback of shoulders deep in fore chest balanced body proportions lovely rear angulation, bend of stifle and short below the hock expertly handled and beautifully presented to enhance his qualities
3.Babesters Multi Ch. Black Delja’s Inno D’Italia

Samantha Gladman (Chativore)


I would sincerely like to thank The Officers and Committee for inviting me to judge at this prestigious show. I would also like to thank all of the exhibitors for the lovely entry and acceptance of my decisions. It was greatly appreciated even if it made some decisions difficult because of so many quality bitches.

I had many good cockers to handle and judge but have some concerns about the excessive length in loins, lack of a good spring of riband narrow/close hindquarters. Some bitches who looked lovely when first n the ring paid the price for either too much weight and/or moving too close in hind movement.

The breed standard states : “a cocker should have hindquarters that are well rounded and very muscular. Legs well boned and a good bend of stifle. Short below the hock allowing for plenty of drive. Please remember a cocker should be merry , sturdy, well blanched and short coupled.

Special Puppy any solid colour inc.solid/tan. 2 (0)
1.Blackley & Salero’s WIGHTROCHE CALLA LILLY. A pretty black just six months of age. She showed herself off like a veteran! In good coat with ample bone and substance.
2.Boole’s PLAIGLEN POWER OF ARAMON. Built on longer lines than my class winner. Well off for bone. Had a good layback of shoulder and front assembly. Moved freely using hindquarters well.

Special Novice Bitch any solid colour inc solid/tan 7(2abs)
1.Kettle’s LUJESA LAURELLAKES ANGEL WHISPER. A well presented black with a feminine head and expression. Good shoulder placement and overall balance. When settled moved freely and well.
2.Miller's EDDESWARREN MOONLIGHT.A golden with good bone and substance. Liked her legs and feet. Ample width in front assembly. It was a close decision in this class.

Special Graduate any solidi colour inc solid/tan. 4 (0 abs )
1.West’s SHEIGRA SUPER SECRET JW. A lovely feminine bitch in good coat and condition. Excellent straight legs and tight thickly padded feet. Ample spring of rib and short coupled. Moved soundly. Won this class with ease.
2.Stokes-Harrell’s VILLASPANIOL PIXIE. A pretty 14 month old black/tan with a lovely head and expression. Good depth of forechest and width throughout. Very well presented.

Special Open. Any solid colour inc solid/tan 5 (0 abs) What a lovely class this was. There was so little to choose between all five for top honours in this class. I really was splitting hairs!
1.Kew’s WITHIFLOR BIRD ON THE WIRE OVER WYLYEVIEW. A lovely black btchwith impeccable presentation in coat and condition. Has a sweet feminine head with a good depth of muzzle and a kind expression. Well placed lay back of shoulders and a good spring of rib. Moved soundly and merrily.
2.Van Guyse -Apers WIGGLINGS U CAN BOOGIE. A short coupled feminine black bitch with a good head and expression. Has a good straight front and nice thickly padded tight feet. Moved soundly keeping a good topline on the move.

Special Puppy
1.Pocock’s FORENDEEM TOOTY FRUITY. Stood alone. An 11 month old blue bitch in good coat. Built on longer lines but has good bone and substance. Moved happily.

Special Novice 7 (1 abs)
1.Darby’s CLASSICWAY CHIMING BELLS. A blue bitch in good coat who is well made throughout . Has a good straight front. Ample bone and substance. When she finally got over her apparent fear of black tape on the floor, moved soundly and well.
2.Stokes-Harrell’S CLARAMAND ONE VISION BETWEEN CHEZZA’S. A pretty feminine orange roan with a good sort body, good spring of rib. Well off for bone. Has good legs and feet. Moved happily and soundly.

1.Bacon’s TIMBRIC DORIS DAY . A well-presented blue bitch in good coat. Has a lovely balanced outline when stacked. Sweet feminine head and expression, good spring of rib and forechest. Ample substance. A very nice cocker. Moved happily and soundly.
2.Craig’s ALISMA ALOONAH. An honest blue bitch who handled well throughout. Well off for bone and substance, without coarseness. Moved soundly.

1.Master & Dott’s ADRIANA SUNFOREST SOUL WITH MANCHELA ( IMP Hun ) JW. A well balanced blue with good legs and feet. Has good bone and substance. Feminine head and a soft gentle expression. Good spring of rib and short coupled. Moved freely and happily.
2.Kotanen.s FIN CH TRIPLET QUEEN OF QUEENS . A blue built on smaller lines with a lovely outline when stacked. She is short and cobby and well boned. Short coupled with a good spring of rib.

6 (0)
1.Gorka’s NO LIMIT ESQUEEN. A striking Black and white 8 years of age immaculately presented with a gleaming coat. She has very good bone and substance. Her movement was free, covered the ground well with an ever wagging tail. She could not be ignored in this strong veteran bitch class.BVB and with Co Judge’s agreement BVIS. w agreement. BVIS. Well done!
2. Parkers SH Ch WEYHILL WISH LIST. A glorious black bitch 8 years of age. She has plenty of coat and substance. She is well made throughout. Moved soundly.

What a wonderful class with so many promising youngsters. I was intending just to shortlist just six for a final examination but with the depth of quality there were nine! The quality was such that puppies that were not placed in this class, were in puppy bitch!
1.Griffiths & Norrie Miller’s RYALLCOURT SILENT WITNESS FOR TANRINI. A stunning light blue roan with outstanding bone and substance. She has an excellent spring of rib, is short coupled and has good round hindquarters which were used well when on the move. A lovely young lady. BMPB.
2.Kotanen’ s YOKOTH QUEEN OF CHAOS. A short cobby blue who is well proportioned and balanced She has a pleasing feminine head and expression. In very good coat and condition. A sound happy mover.

1.Brown’s POPEBEL LIMITED EDITION. An 11 month ols light blue with ample bone and substance. She is short coupled had a good overall outline. Kept a good topline when on the move.
2.West’s JAMESFILELD JUST A STAR AT SHEIGRA. A golden puppy just six months of age. She took the whole occasion of her first ch show in her stride. Lots to like about this well bodied, well-balanced puppy. Very promising.

Junior 6 (3 abs)
1.Lewis’ PENMARTAN WATERCOLOUR. An honest blue bitch, slightly lacking in coat but her overall quality won the class. She has a lovely outline, is short coupled and has a good spring of rib. Moved soundly.
2.Terry’s SHAGGYLANDS SEXY AND I NO IT.. A blue bitch in good coat. She has a good straight front and good legs and feet which are well padded. Has good body and was sound in her movement.

1.Brenan’s COVENANT CELTICBARONESS OF KERRIJOY. A black with an excellent coat that was well presented. Has a good overall outline and is well balanced. Well off for bone and substance without any coarseness. Moved well.
2.Jenkin’s COVENANT PEREGRINA PEARL OF BRUXLY (imp IT ).A golden bitch who is slightly longer in loin than my winner. She has a pretty feminine head and expression. Well off for bone and substance. Moved OK.

Maiden 12 ( 2 anbs)

TYRO 7 ( 4abs)
1.Gilmour’s Chavez Royal Devotion. A black in excellent coat which was so well presented. Good reach of neck and well placed shoulders. Has good legs and tight thickly padded feet. I just wish she had moved with more confidence, but could not be denied her win, she is a lovely cocker.
2.Jenkin’s BRUXLY ELIZABETH. A black with good legs and feet, ample width in front assembly. Good body. Moved happily and freely.

1.Dean’s SANDLUGA SHERBERT DIP WITH TISABELLI.A well-made blue bitch. In excellent condition. She is so well muscled in her hind quarterswhich she used well when on the move. Kept a good topline when moving. Presentation and coat very good.
2.Anderson’s and Foster’s ZAKOVA BALOO AT SABALOO. A blue bitch who was a little short in coat but won second place on her overall god construction. Moved soundly.

1.Masters and Dott’s MANCHELA LITTLE TEASE JW. A glorious blue that handled well in every department. Has a sweet feminine head without any coarseness, good depth of muzzle. She is short and cobby in good coat. Used her well made quarters well on the moved with drive. Sadly, lacking in many today. Res CC.
2.Blackley and Salero’s WIGHTROCHE THE BEE JW. A black bitch with a lovely balanced outline. Well off for bone, body and substance. In good coat, moved freely and soundly.

2. Clarke’s HARBETHOL LOOK JUST PERFECT. An honest blue bitch with good bone. She is short coupled and has good body. Plenty of coat. Moved soundly.

1.Ward’s WENSUM LET’S DANCE. A smart black bitch in good coat. Kept a good topline when on the move. Well made from head to toe. Moved happily and soundly using her hindquarters well.
2.Bowen’s LANART MIDNIGHT BLUE. A well-muscled blue who is also well made throughout. Has a good front, spring of rib and plenty of bone and substance. I like her topline when on the move.

OPEN BITCH 10 (2 abs)
This class was headed by two excellent examples of the breed. Both are a credit to the breeder/ owners. Decisions in this class were very close. It really was a case of splitting hairs!
1.Collin and Wildman’s SH CH OKTUMI OPALESCENCE. My star of the day. She filled my eye in every way. Just the complete cocker spaniel I was hoping to find. Presentation and condition could not be faulted. She has such great ring presence moving happily and freely with great drive in her hindquarters. I could find nothing to beat her today.BCC and with my co – judges agreement. Best In Show – Congratulations.
2.Hillier’s Sh Ch COEDCERNYW CALENDAR GIRL. A well known golden now six years of age. In good coat and condition. Sweetest of heads and expression. Has lovely straight legs and front a very free happy mover with an ever wagging tail.

Derek Shapland (Judge)