London Cocker Spaniel Society


Membership Subscriptions

Due January 1st

UK Members
£12.00 Single Membership
Pay Online With Paypal

£13.00 Joint Membership
Pay Online With Paypal

Overseas Members
£20.00 Single or Joint
Pay Online With Paypal

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We are now able accept online payments of membership fees via Paypal by clicking on the payment links above. Please note a small admin fee will be added to cover Paypal's fees

All cheques to be made payable to "London Cocker Spaniel Society"

Membership/Subscription Enquiries to:
Sue Warrington

Interested in joining the London Cocker Spaniel Society?
Please download a Membership Application Form (PDF format) and return with your fee to the Membership Secretary. If you wish to pay your annual subscription by standing order, please download a Standing Order Authority Form (PDF format) for forwarding to your bank.

To download any of the above files onto your computer, right click and select "Save Target As.." (for Internet Explorer) or "Save Link As.." (for Mozilla Firefox) and then choose where you want to save the file before clicking on "Save".

NB: To read PDF files, you will need Adobe Reader. To download a free copy of this program, click on the icon below.

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