London Cocker Spaniel Society


Judge Miss Hazel Dewhurst (Lapidary)

BIS: Mace's Cachel Moviestar for Fonesse
RBIS: Hutson's Carmelfair Tarrarrah at Stobytill
BPIS and BMPIS: Gregory's Glasfryn Crystal Angel
BVIS: Lockwood's Zakova Rose Gold

Judge's Critique (pdf file)

Class 1 : Special Puppy
1 Selwood's Lanvin of Merrily

Class 2: Special Novice
1 Lockwood's Zakova Fire Dancer

Class 3 : Special Post Graduate
1 Hutching's Beechtops Majestic

Class 4: Special Open
1 Hutching's Beechtops Double Take JW
2 Covington's Molkara Crystal Rose with Silverdust JW ShCM

Class 5: Special Puppy

1 Gregory's Glasfryn Crystal Angel
2 Buck's Clavaire Gigglelicious
3 Harris' Chalkhill Solitaire
4 Ferris' Mr Chrisjans Biggleworth

Class 6: Special Novice
1 Velander's Gardenstone Glamourette of Peppergate
2 Fennell's Rothmia Chocoholic

Class 7: Special Post Graduate
1 Bavin's Royjoys Chase the Dream JW
2 Burnet's Charmwen The Sorcerer
3 Morris' Syrmor Bronwen's Legacy
4 Phillip's Moonwood Barley Sugar
5 Fennell and warrington's Charmwen Mr Blue Sky Zakova

Class 8: Special Open
1 Hutson's Stobytill Eliza Dolittle

Class 9: Veteran

 1 Lockwood's Zakova Rose Gold
2 Hutching's Cascadia I Chico at Beechtops
3 Covington's Molkara Crystal Rose at Silverdust JW Sh CM

Class 10: Minor Puppy Dog
1 Mace's Fonesse Father Time
2 Ferris' Mr Chrisjans Bigglesworth

Class 11: Minor Puppy Bitch
1 Gregory's Glasfryn Christmas Angel
2 Buck's Clavaire Doodlebug
3 Norrie Miller's Popocatepetl Snowflake

Class 12: Puppy Dog
No entries

Class 13: Puppy Bitch
1 Berndes' Sulintay Saffy Su

Class 14: Junior
1 Mace's Cachel Moviestar For Fonesse
2 Bavin's Rojoys Chase the Dream, JW
3 Crouch's Kassan Kausing Khaos

Class 15: Maiden
1 Mace's Cachel Moviestar for Fonesse

Class 16: Tyro
1 Mace's Cachel Moviestar For Fonesse
2 Hutson's Stobytill Shake Ya Booty
3 Hutchison's Suvern Snow Fairy at Bartomy
4 Crouch's Kassam Kausing Khaos
5 Daniel's Starbourne Orange Blossom

Class 17: Graduate
1 Attrill's Jorlaykee Luna Moon at Merrysprings
2 Velander's Gardenstone Glamourette of Peppergate
3 Fennell and Warrington's Charmwen Mr Blue Sky Zakova

Class 18: Special Beginners
1 Crouch's Kassam Kausing Khaos
2 Phillip's Moonwood Barley Sugar
3 Attrill's Jorlaykee Luna Monnn at Merrysprings
4 Fennell's Rothmia Chocoholic

Class 19: Open Dog
1 Carpenter's Bel Sh Ch Lynwater Belgian Chocolate JW ShCM
2 Morris' Syrmor Black and White Magic

Class 20: Open Bitch
1 Hutson's Carmelfair Tarrarrah at Stobytill
2 Velander's Gardenstone Glamourette of Peppergate
3 Berndes' Sulintay Sugar and Spice



JUDGE: Mr C Tretheway (Penbuff)

Special Puppy
1 Ferris' Mr Chrisjans Bigglesworth

Special Post Graduate
1 Phillip's Moonwood Barley Sugar

Special Open
1 Covington's Molkara Crystal Rose at Silverdust JW ShCM